

Women voice for Water in Nanyuki,Kenya

Sustainable WASH for all can only be achieved when all citizens – including women and people living with disabilities – contribute to policy development and […]


Strengthening stakeholder capacity towards integrating geo-data to address WRM & WASH issues in Kajiado

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) knowledge is a powerful decision support tool that provides for collection and analysis of data. Wetlands International through a project supported […]


Multi-stakeholder problem solving to address water resources data gap in Kajiado

Wetlands international together with other stakeholders held a one-day workshop in Kajiado, Kenya on 16 May 2019 to kick off activities under the project “Application […]


Towards sustainable livelihoods: Application of geo-data in Water Resource Management in Kajiado County

Currently, Kajiado’s water data fall short of the fundamental goal of being complete, accessible, and usable. To contribute efforts towards addressing this challenge, Wetlands International […]


The next generation of wetland conservation champions- The World Celebrates World Wetlands Day

From sea level rise, coral bleaching, hydrological effects, changes in water temperature, to alterations in water availability and quality, climate change is threatening our wetlands […]


Maimuna and the mangroves – The connections between women and wetlands, and the role they play in conservation cannot be ignored.

The connections between women and wetlands, and the role they play in conservation cannot be ignored. But then, how important is it? To look for […]


Wetlands, the front line to our defence – World Wetlands Day 2019

As the climate is changing, we need to take better care of our wetlands – they are the front line of our defence! The world […]


New study predicts that African waterbirds will suffer from climate change

Wetlands International and BirdLife International have launched results of a major climate impact study at the 7th Meeting of the Parties (MOP7) of the UNEP African-Eurasian Migratory […]


Wetlands International at Ramsar COP13

Wetlands International attended the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP13) held in Dubai, UAE from […]


Ziway-Shalla Basin in Balance: climate resilience for people and nature in the Ethiopian Rift

A unique consortium of Ethiopian and Dutch expert organisations has recently started a Euro 4.3-million initiative called “Ziway-Shalla: Basin in Balance” in the Central Rift […]