

International Waterbird Census

How do you know if a wetland is healthy? How do you know if a wetland is under threat? And how do you take appropriate action to avert that threat? Monitoring - long-term, repeated data collection - is the foundation for managing and understanding wetlands and the lives they support.

Senegal / International Waterbird Census – Wetlands International, DAMPC and DPN have combined their efforts

The annual count of waterbirds began Friday, January 15, 2016 throughout the Senegal national territory. Wetlands International Africa spearheaded the launch of the census with […]

Senegal / Annual Waterbird Count – Wetlands International and DPN in Bargny and Sendou

The annual January 15th water birds census is always a top activity in the agenda of Wetlands International Africa. As usual, the organization actively coordinated […]

African-Eurasian Waterbird Monitoring Partnership

Robust data for effective waterbird conservation Migratory waterbirds are culturally and economically important, but vulnerable to habitat loss, overexploitation and other pressures. Countries along their […]

AfWC Newsletter – June 2010

This newsletter covers outcomes that have resulted from the UNEP-GEF African-Eurasian Flyways Project also known as the Wings Over Wetlands Project (WOW). The newsletter highlights […]

AfWC Newsletter – December 2009

The AfWC newsletter covers some available Single Species Action Plans; reports on two trainings: one in Maputo, Mozambique (on a national wetland and waterbird monitoring […]

African Waterbird Census Newsletter – June 2009

This is the second edition of the African Waterbird Census newsletter. The main purpose of this newsletter is to facilitate communication in the African Waterbird Census (AfWC) network. […]

African Waterbird Census No. 9 (1999, 2000, 2001)

This publication is a compilation of data and reports of African Waterbird Census carried out between April 1998 and March 2001, with particular emphasis on […]

AfWC Newsletter – January 2000

IWC – African Waterbird Census Network News Issue 2 by Wetlands International, West Africa Office. This newsletter cover issues regarding the Tenth PanAfrican Ornithological Congress […]

African Waterbird Census No. 8 (1998)

This publication comprises results and overviews of wetland surveys and waterbird counts between April 1997 and March 1998, centred around the key months of July […]