
Manual for monitoring seabird colonies in West Africa

Status survey and conservation action plan for the Black Crowned Crane Balearica Pavonina

We provide recommendations for the future conservation of Black Crowned Cranes and their wetland habitats at a species and sub-species level. We recommend launching public […]

Enhancing conservation of the critical network of sites required by Migratory Waterbirds on the African/Eurasian Flyways

Migratory waterbirds are an important component of biodiversity that migrate annually along predictable flyway routes in the African/Eurasian landmass. The principal habitats that these species require to […]

African Waterbird Census No. 9 (1999, 2000, 2001)

This publication is a compilation of data and reports of African Waterbird Census carried out between April 1998 and March 2001, with particular emphasis on […]

AfWC Newsletter – January 2000

IWC – African Waterbird Census Network News Issue 2 by Wetlands International, West Africa Office. This newsletter cover issues regarding the Tenth PanAfrican Ornithological Congress […]

African Waterbird Census No. 8 (1998)

This publication comprises results and overviews of wetland surveys and waterbird counts between April 1997 and March 1998, centred around the key months of July […]

Atlas of Anatidae Populations in Africa and Western Eurasia

This publication brings together a wealth of information on Anatidae (swans, geese and ducks) in Africa and Eurasia, in the form of maps and text. […]