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We work in partnership with many different partners, including Ngos, private sector parties, CBOs, and governments. We are also an official partner of several global intergovernmental conventions. We are an official International Organization Partner of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

Our Partnerships

Kenya Water & Sanitation Civil Society Network Neighbours Intiative Alliance – NIA
Cordaid Kenya KWAHO
ICHA Merti Intergated Development Program-MID-P
Kenya Red Cross Community Action for Nature Conservation -CANCO
AKVO Kenya Wildlife Service -KWS
IRC Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association- WIOMSA
Nature Uganda National Environment Management Authority
JESE Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands Kenya
ECO East Africa Wildlife Society
Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society – EWNHS
Care International in Uganda Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association
Cordaid Uganda Tanzania Forest Service Agency -TFS
Uganda Redcross Rift Valley Lakes Basin Authority (RVLBA)
National Environment Management Authority
Laikipia Wildlife Forum – LWF

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