Coastal wetland conservation

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Considering that 23% of the world’s population and 60% of all mega cities are located in lowland areas within 100 kilometres of the sea, coastal and delta wetlands are under increasing pressure. Various world famous wetlands have been lost or severely damaged, such as the Niger Delta mangroves in Nigeria which are severely degraded by the oil and gas sector.

To prevent further decline we work with communities, government agencies and the private sector to monitor threats and develop practical on-the-ground conservation solutions.

Coastal wetlands such as mangrove forests play a vital role in the safety and food security of millions of people throughout the tropics. Despite their biodiversity and economic values, many coastal wetlands are severely degraded or completely destroyed by development and land conversion. The lack of recognition of the fundamental role coastal wetlands play is a key factor in the degradation and loss of these ecosystems. Hence, the need for greater awareness and coastal wetland conservation initiatives.