Community resilience

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Rivers and wetlands are critically important life-support systems running through the Sahelian drylands. They provide food, water supplies and fertile soils for tens of millions of people. The loss of wetlands results in increased water scarcity, hunger and instability. We seek to safeguard seasonal water flows that nourish the floodplains and local communities. We work to strengthen community resilience so they can bounce back after hazards, and avoid that hazards become disasters.

Along the Ewaso Nyiro River in Kenya, In the Karamoja Region of Uganda and in the Somali Region of Ethiopia, we work with our partners Red Cross, CARE and CORDAID to strengthen the livelihoods and water provision of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in a changing climate. We do this through ecosystem management and restoration (EMR) approaches that restore degraded ecosystems, create sustainable agricultural practices and improve management of water and natural resources . Through this project, communities and other stakeholders that were vulnerable, are more resilient to climate (change) induced hazards. NGOs/CBOs are also better able to apply the integrated approach (Disaster Risk Reduction /Climate Change Adaptation/ EMR) in assistance as well as contribute to a stronger voice for civil society. Their engagement in policy dialogue solicited endorsement of the PfR approach by government institutions

In Kenya and Uganda, we are contributing to sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) by focusing on improvements in integrated water resources management and governance, through strengthening civil society capacity in lobby and advocacy and engaging a broad range of stakeholders.